Browse Items (69 total)

  • Interest is exactly "Latino culture"
Ah immigration judge has ordered an Army veteran from Chicago, who served
two tours of duty, to be deported. His name is Miguel Perez and he is Chicano
in every sense of the word. Perez moved to Chicago when he was 8—years-
old and was a permanent…
LIKE for all the Mexican, Salvadorian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Nicaraguan &
Immigrant dads!
Our weddings are always so much fun!
We came here not to build borders and separate but to build bridges and
We both fight the same system and we both will win in the future. Indigenous
black Civilisations of America and our Civilisations were ruined by the same
gabachos. And we both are growing in numbers, even whitewashed statistic,
and officials prove…
Your mom knows what to do